Searching for a Comfortable Stay?

Search hundreds of hotels at once

Experience Effortless Booking

Our experienced team will assist you in selecting the perfect hotel tailored to your preferences. Upon your arrival, we extend a warm welcome, whisking you away in comfort. Explore all the facilities and amenities your chosen hotel has to offer, making your stay extraordinary. Let us handle it all for a worry-free booking experience.

Experienced Staff: Our professionals is here to assist you every step of the way, ensuring your booking process is smooth and stress-free.

Luxury Stay: Discover Unparalleled Comfort at Our Exclusive Hotel, Ensuring an Unforgettable and Luxurious Stay.

Instant Confirmation

Instant Confirmation

Enjoy instant booking confirmation when you reserve your hotel.

Best Price Assurance

Best Price Assurance

QAAPH guarantees you the best prices for your hotel reservations.

24/7 Customer Support

24/7 Customer Support

Our dedicated customer support team is available 24/7

Frequently Asked Questions

You can search for hotels by entering your destination, check-in, and check-out dates, in the search bar on the homepage.

QAAPH allows you to book hotels in different cities across Iran. We offer a wide selection of more than 1200 hotels on our platform. Whether your destination is a bustling metropolis or a charming town with numerous attractions, QAAPH always has the perfect accommodation option for you. Our passenger-friendly cities include Mashhad, Kish, Shiraz, Tehran, Isfahan, Yazd, northern cities, and Tabriz.

At QAAPH, customer satisfaction and comfort are our top priorities. If you need to cancel your reservation for any reason, you won't incur a cancellation fee from QAAPH.

Please note that any cancellation fees charged by the hotel are not the responsibility of QAAPH and are subject to the hotel's policies.

Booking a hotel through QAAPH offers numerous benefits, including:

✔ Competitive prices and a lowest price guarantee
✔ Outstanding service quality, including 24-hour support
✔ Comprehensive hotel information, including facilities and proximity to tourist attractions
✔ Fee-free cancellation option
✔ Quick resolution of customer issues
✔ Multiple payment methods, building trust with customers and strong credibility with hotels
✔ Satisfied customers and recognition as the top-ranked hotel reservation service in Iran

QAAPH makes hotel reservations simple and convenient. Here's how it works:

◼ Visit our website and select your desired city.
◼ Browse the hotels available in that city and choose your preferred hotel and room type.
◼ If the hotel's reservation price is listed online, proceed to the payment page to complete your reservation.
◼ If the hotel's reservation price is not available online, our QAAPH support team will promptly provide you with the reservation details and a payment link after confirming the price with the hotel.
◼ If your chosen hotel is fully booked, our support team will contact you and suggest alternative hotels that meet your requirements.

In most hotels, the standard check-in time (room delivery) is at 14:00, and the check-out time (vacating the room) is at 12:00 noon.

After making your hotel reservation payment, you will receive a payment receipt and confirmation of your reservation, known as the "Watcher." This confirmation will be stored in your user profile. Please note that presenting the Watcher is mandatory when checking in at the hotel.

Yes, it is completely safe to make hotel reservations through QAAPH. We use secure and encrypted payment systems to protect your personal and financial information. Additionally, our long-standing partnerships with reputable hotels ensure the safety and reliability of your booking.

QAAPH accepts a variety of payment methods, including credit cards, debit cards, and online payment gateways. You can choose the payment option that is most convenient for you during the booking process.

You can reach QAAPH's customer support team 24/7 for any assistance or inquiries. We provide contact information on our website, including phone numbers and email addresses, to ensure you can easily get in touch with us whenever you need help.

Trusted Group Of Hotels

At QAAPH, we strive to make hotel booking a seamless experience for you. Our commitment to providing exclusive rates, easy scheduling, and unbeatable benefits ensures that your stay is as enjoyable as possible. Explore our services today and experience the difference.