Why Rhinoplasty

Why Rhinoplasty

The nose, positioned at the center of the face, plays a significant role in facial appearance. Any deformity or disproportionate size can be quite noticeable, prompting some individuals to consider altering their nose shape.

Rhinoplasty, also known as a nose job, is a surgical procedure that aims to change the shape and size of the nose. It can be performed for aesthetic or functional reasons, or both. Our clinic offers two types of Rhinoplasty: open Rhinoplasty and closed Rhinoplasty. The key difference between the two surgeries lies in the approach to making incisions.

What can rhinoplasty treat ?

Rhinoplasty is a versatile surgical procedure that can address both breathing problems and aesthetic concerns. It is effective in treating various aesthetic issues, including:

  • Nose size in relation to facial balance.
  • Width at the bridge or the size and position of the nostrils.
  • Nose profile with visible humps or depressions on the bridge.
  • Nasal tip that is enlarged, bulbous, drooping, upturned, or hooked.
  • Nostrils that are large, wide, or upturned.
  • Nasal asymmetry.

By addressing these issues, rhinoplasty can help achieve a more balanced and harmonious facial appearance while also improving nasal function and breathing.

Nose surgery procedure

During the consultation, the surgeon will determine whether closed or open rhinoplasty is the most suitable approach. However, open rhinoplasty is commonly preferred by surgeons.

The patient will undergo general anesthesia for the surgery. Then, the surgeon will make a small incision into the tissue between the nostrils and inside the nostrils. Subsequently, the necessary changes will be made based on the patient's needs. The surgeon may:

  • Reduce the size of the nose by removing some cartilage and bone.
  • Enlarge the nose by using cartilage from the ears and bone from the hips, elbow, or skull as a graft to build up the nose.
  • Alter the shape of the nose, including the nostrils, by breaking the nose bone and rearranging the cartilage.
  • Adjust the angle between the nose and the upper lip.

Why to chose open rhinoplasty ?

Open rhinoplasty is considered more invasive than closed rhinoplasty, but it provides greater precision for challenging noses and complex structural changes. With access to the entire nose structure, it proves to be a more effective method, leading to improved results.

Recovery after rhinoplasty

After the surgery, you will have splints inside your nose and a bandage placed on it for one week. To reduce swelling and bleeding, it is recommended to keep your head elevated higher than your chest. You can resume your daily activities after 2 weeks without noticeable signs. However, more strenuous activities should wait up to six weeks. Additionally, avoid wearing eyeglasses for 4 weeks.

You may experience slight swelling during the recovery, but it will resolve after six months, and the final shape of your nose will become apparent.

Experience the convenience of booking your Rhinoplasty appointment on QAAPH. Our skilled professionals offer top-quality cosmetic solutions to address your nasal concerns and leave you with a confident and beautifully sculpted nose.